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Contacting Tracy
At Piece of Cake, we realize your special event is important to you. We also realize that, if history has taught us anything, no event has ever been special with out an appropriate cake.
We're serious. Google it and find out. We'll wait.

You see? Totally true. We also realize how important it is to you that everything turns out as planned. That's why we're sending you straight to the lady in charge, because she just simply doesn't trust anybody else with your memories. Just answer these few simple questions. We'll be sure to get it directly on Tracy's desk so that she can contact you in person and get all those pesky details hammered out. Then you can get back to what's really important.

(And by that we mean "cake".)

Piece of Cake Questionaire

Please enter your name:
Please enter your phone number:
How about an email address? (Optional):
What is the date of your event?:
What is the expected turnout?:
What type of cake
are you going to need?:
Special Occasion Cake
Birthday Cake
Wedding Cake
I just really love cake and want to know more about it!

Anything else you would like us to know?
Make comments here:

Thanks for choosing Piece of Cake!

Not a fan of this internet techno-wizardry?
Give us a call at (828) 577-3755.

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Website Loosely Cobbled Together by dadgum! Studios.